...goes to Motown. Tonight the contestants had a chance to perform Motown's greatest hits with guidance from the great Smoky Robinson. Are his eyes really that green?
So what happened tonight? Here is a play-by-play of my thoughts as the show went down. It's kind of like my version of twitter if I were a twit. Thanks to Janae, my super hot mom, for unwillingly giving her thoughts as well. If you didn't watch AI last night and aren't following the show at all, this post will make no sense.
1. Paula looks nice because she is sporting her own hair and only her own hair.
2. Looks like Scott dressed himself tonight.
3. Why does Megan look like the girl who hangs out at 7/11 ALL THE TIME. Boo Megan Joy. Could she sing not-flat, for once? To quote Janae, "Oh gosh, she's awful. Oh why is she shouting? Oh my, wow, she's awful. It's bad, so bad."
4. Whooptie-woop, it's Anoop!
5. These backup singers got back.
6. Ain't too proud to beg for you to stop singing!
7. Janae: "Yeah [Paula], she's right. You stunk! You stunk, Michael! You weren't even close!"
8. Janae: "I think I'm pretty cute, I guess. Stop quoting me on your blog!"
9. Wait a minute, is Lil' kind of flubbing it? I'm not loving this like I thought I might. Maybe it's her dress. Or maybe she's sick? Not a good night to screw up.
10. Janae: "If I were sitting right in back of Paula I would scream, "Down in front!"
11. Janae: "I think Lil's hair is on crooked."
12. Ew, Adam. He's like a lame high school goth who wants to be cool. Barf.
13. Janae liked Adam tonight. I feel betrayed. He was ok.
14. Whoa Not-Paula, learn to count. 6 words? "One of the best performances of the night." More like 8 words, duh.
15. It was Ryan Seacrest, in the Orchestra, with the trumpet.
16. Danny is a freakin' star on stage.
17. Simon is my hero. Nice moustache, Paula.
OMG, American Idol is way too long. Back to vacation (I'm not working this week which is why my blog is lacking...bad excuse but boy am I enjoying a little relaxation).