Monday, November 30, 2009
SO dear readers, how are you at listening? I recently started a podcast called, Spam Radio, with a friend of mine. His name is Shawn. He thinks he's smarter than me. Which he is. But I'm prettier which...oh wait...that gets me no where in this equation. OH NO, HE IS SMARTER!
Tune in to our podcast to hear the two of us talk about absolutely nothing of very much importance.
You can check out our podcast at OR subscribe to it on itunes.
And don't forget to become a fan on facebook!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
OH MY GOSH It's November 11th...
I have good excuses, I really do. BUT I won't bore you with them.
Well, maybe I will.
I'm in the process of revamping my blog and by revamping, I mean, I'm leaving the blogger behind! I'm going full blown website, people. There will be pictures and videos and songs and blogs and MY PODCAST...ALL coming soon to YOUR COMPUTER!!!
In the meantime, I'll try to post here and there but please, please be patient.
I love you all.
If you need a little more Jenna in your life, feel free to follow me on twitter.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sometimes Halloween...
I enjoyed it and so will you.
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 10/26/09
Lohan Unleashed: After partying too hard (and stealing a fur coat), Lohan was banned from many New York City clubs. The ban was recently lifted and she's allowed back in. Those clubs must be struggling and need a little publicity because I can't imagine any other reason to let her back in. Hide your coats, ladies, because it's cold outside and I heard Lohan is in the market for a new one.
The Hills Have Boyfriends: Kristen Cavallari, the new star of The Hills (the old star of Laguna Beach: The Real O.C.) has a secret off camera boyfriend. I personally hope it's Stephen from Laguna Beach (Suck on THAT, Lauren Conrad!) though I think it's someone we DON'T know. The Hills' producers are NOT pleased. And here's what I say to them: RELAX. WE ALL KNEW THE SHOW WAS FAKE BEFORE IT EVEN STARTED. I wasn't exactly shocked to find out she had a real life boyfriend. The only reason that the show isn't 100% scripted is because the cast doesn't know how to read and can only remember so many words.
My Weekly Smelly Person Rant: Katy Perry, the Lady-Kissing-Hot-and-Cold-Diva-Queen, turned 25 this week.
Two Oranges on Two Toothpicks: The Olsen twins have a few fashion line coming out at JC Penney. I looked through some pictures of the twins and their clothes and I can't remember what any of the clothes look like because I was so focused on their massive heads. I hope they sell hats in size Mary Kate and Ashley because I'll finally be able to find a hat to fit my giant noggin'.
Hot Water on Set: A production assistant on the set of Channing Tatum's new movie accidentally poured a pot of boiling water over the star. Being a production assistant myself, I can't tell you how that story made my heart sink. I'm sure he or she was fired immediately and has yet to recover from the idea of possibly scarring one of the most attractive men in the movie industry. Hey, if Channing can sing, maybe he can star in The Phantom of the Opera?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 10/14/09
This kid's 15, he's got a cute little voice (which will hopefully not change too much after puberty) and girls love him. His single "One Time" is catchier than those stupid commercials but thankfully, Justin's a lot less annoying.
The Best Parts of the music video, "One Time:"
1. Justin is house sitting for Usher.
2. The video director does a great job hiding the fact that Justin's love interest is at least a foot taller than him. He must be a little guy because she is always leaning or sitting next to him. Girls are always bigger than boys at that age. Trust me, I have an entire journal from the 8th grade complaining about it.
3. I still think he sounds like Miley Cyrus sometimes.
Now watch and enjoy!
And if you're wondering how to say his last name, it's pronounced Beeber, not Biber. I hope his fans call themselves Bieber Girls. He should wear a beeper and call it his Bieber.
It's Bieber time!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 10/12/09
I'm getting old. How is it possible that I don't know who Justin Bieber is? Maybe you're saying to yourself, "Justin who?" Well apparently he's the newest hottest 15 year old pop singer; signed by Usher and breaking preteens' hearts everywhere. I was upset that I, the queen of pop music (a self imposed title - it's up for debate, I agree) don't know the singing sensation. I immediately youtubed his very popular single and realized I had actually heard this adorable song before. "One Time" is catchy and charming and up until I saw the music video, I was sure it was a Miley Cyrus original. Whoops. Sorry, Justin (and Miley).
Speaking of Miley, the true Disney Princess, recently cancelled her Twitter account. Courtney Love also cancelled her account because if Miley can quit tweeting, she can quit tweeting (and cocaine). According to Ms. Miley, twitter was a waste of time and though I agree, it also sounds to me like she's trying to go from and shed anything that might make her appear too young. Uh oh, don't do it Miley. We don't need any Britney repeats. Heaven forbid you end of up stealing fur coats like Lohan. Miley might already be on a downard slope. She was seen eating at Outback and left...without leaving a tip. Maybe she had a bad waiter? Maybe her awesome blossom wasn't so awesome? Who knows...I'd suggest not eating at Outback, if you ask me.
In Lohan family news, Michael, the father of the red headed firecrackwhore (yowsers, that's a catty thing to say), has been hanging out with Jon Gosselin. Oh come on, Jon! You want people to be on your side? Believe your whole "Kate is abusive" line? Don't hang out with a notoriously bad father. The two of them have been sitting around exchanging stories of how misunderstood they are while they try on each other's Ed Hardy apparel.
Lastly, it turns out that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are related! Ben is Matt's father? Nope. Matt is Ben's half brother? Try again. Ben is Matt's grandma's sister's cousin's daughter's son? Close. Ok I'll tell you. They are tenth cousins one removed! Are people even related at that point? I'm probably their tenth cousin as well. The entire cast of The View are probably related to them as well. Barack Obama is probably related to them too. In fact, we're all probably related to Matt and Ben (though hopefully closer to Matt).
That's it for this week. Thanks for reading, you big nerds.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sometimes I get a little distracted...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Please come out to the ALL-STAR COMEDIAN SHOW @ on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th At 8:30 PM at STANDUP NY COMEDY CLUB (78th and Broadway)
This show will be one of the best of the year featuring comedians from MTV, COMEDY CENTRAL, HBO, LETTERMAN, LAST CALL with CARSON DALY AND CONAN O"BRIEN.
BOB DIBUONO: MTV's "TRL", FOX'S "Red Eye", SPIKE TV, Jim Bruer Unleashed on Sirius Satellite Radio
JOEY GAY: NBC's "Last Comic Standing", Comedy Central
ERIC LYDEN: CBS's "Comics Unleashed".
VIC HENLEY: Comedy Central Presents
Jenna Kim Jones: Competitive Eater as seen at most fast food joints in the Midtown Area, Hottie Extraordinaire, Acclaimed funny person by her Doorman (occasionally) and a cab driver (once).
Please call and make a reservation by MONDAY, October 5TH at 212-595-0850
Admission is $15 per person with a two-drink mimimum.
It's a "fest" in October! How could you say no??? GREAT! I'll see you there!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sometimes Obama is too smooth...
Relax, man!
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 9/23/09
Even though their new video barely makes sense. That's right, the BSB have a new music video because they have a new album coming out on October 6th. I have tried to fight the excitement in my heart but it keeps coming back like McKenzie Phillips to cocaine (yikes).
Their new music video, as I said, doesn't make a lot of sense. There is a weird intro about "hunters being hunted," a lesbian vampire, a lot of dancing and I've already said too much. Mmhmm, this video is off the shinizzzzlehook
Pay close attention to AJ's glow in the dark nail polish. He's SO edgy.
While watching, I was embarrassed for two reasons:
1. I realized the video is silly and they're probably too old for this
2. It still made me blush
So as a result, I've been trying to get Nick Carter to talk to me on twitter, unsuccessfully, but I will not give up that easily.
I'm pathetic, I know. Whatever, I'm normal.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Remember when you used to blog?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sometimes MTV has a Video Music Awards Show...
It's almost too easy.
Should I start with the most obvious target of the night? Lady Gaga. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that girl is a freak. And not freaky, like let's get it on freaky. I mean, she is a weirdo. But of course, she chooses to act the way she does. My conclusion after watching her die on stage last night was this: I think I might actually be afraid of her. Does she ever just let down her hair (if she has any...I've only ever seen her in wigs), go back to whatever planet (or state) she's from, eat pizza (instead of human brains) and watch Gossip Girl (or reruns of Roseanne) like the rest of us? Or is she constantly trying to hide her face (she wears a lot of sparkles/feathers/bird's nests as a means of distraction from what seems to be a rather large nose)? I'm being harsh. She's a person too, I think. By the end of the night, she had changed her clothes at least 16 times and made Michael Jackson look like a regular ol' guy. Seriously, what was the nest she had around her face? If that's fashion, count me out. Even Tracy Morgan was afraid of her. And he's mentally insane. Put Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga next to each other and Taylor looks celestial.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sometimes musical numbers...
I'm sorry that I recommended that show...please forgive me. Though I'm willing to give it another chance.
But if next week's episode is like last night's train wreck, count me out. It's a shame. I love singing and dancing too much for this.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy 09/09/09
I spent my vacation in Utah and California. Which was fantastic. Did I mention how exhausted I am?
Well in any case, it was worth it.
I managed to completely avoid the news for two weeks. I barely have any idea what is going on in the world. Yippee! Ignorance is bliss. It absolutely is. Smart and informed people have no idea what they're missing.
There is one thing I know: I know that GLEE is premiering tonight!
If you missed the first episode of Glee, which aired last spring, watch it on NOW!
If you don't have time to watch the entire episode, here is a trailer that pretty much sums up everything you need to know. Really, it's quite comprehensive:
Make sure you watch it because tonight is the second episode and you don't want to be confused do you?
Now that you're ready to watch Glee, we can continue this blogger reader friendship we have going on here.
What else has been happening? Obama's corrupting our youth by telling them to go to school and work hard. MJ was FINALLY buried. Phew! And I think we all learned that we should pay more attention to who our neighbors hold hostage in their backyard.
Man, I've got to get back into this blogging thing. But I'm tired of the same old, same old blog. She needs a makeover, don't you think? I have some new ideas, posts, colors, fun stuff that I'm working on. Any ideas? In the meantime, somebody call 911...because there's a shorty fire burning on the dance floor!
Anybody want to debate Health Care?
I used to be Love drunk but now I'm hungover,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sometimes I think I'm talented...
(Still working on that pop music pick me up...whoops...)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sometimes you can read this...
This show will be one of the best of the year featuring as always comedians from MTV, COMEDY CENTRAL, HBO, LETTERMAN, LAST CALL with CARSON DALY AND CONAN O"BRIEN.
BOB DIBUONO: MTV's "TRL", FOX'S "Red Eye", SPIKE TV, Jim Bruer Unleashed on Sirius Satellite Radio
KYLE GROOMS: Comedy Central Presents 1/2 Hour Special
CAROL MONTGOMERY: VH1, Comedy Central, Nick at Night
Please call and make a reservation at 212-595-0850
Admission is $15 per person with a two-drink mimimum. (I know it's a tad pricey. But hey, it will be fun???)
Very Important: Admission is to be paid in CASH at door only! Do NOT BUY tickets online or from STREET TEAMS - as this is a privately produced show and those TICKETS WILL NOT be accepted. When you check in the night of the show - please let the host know who you are coming to see on the show. This is must let them know you came to see ME.
Even More Important: SEATING is at 7:30 PM sharp - This show will sell out!! (Or just make sure you are there by 8PM. You don't want to get turned away.)
STANDUP NY COMEDY CLUB is located on 78th and Broadway
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 8/17/09
Perv-Stache: Michael Phelps grew a moustache and now he looks like a guy who spends a lot of time on myspace. He better be careful, that little bit of facial hair might slow him down, though I'm pretty sure it's fake because I don't think fish can grow hair.
Joe Jacked-up-on-crazy-son: First of all, let me say, Michael Jackson still hasn't been buried. They are waiting to put him in the ground on his 51st birthday. Why? Because the Jackson's are weird. Second, Joe Jackson is an idiot. Last week, Latoya Jackson may have mentioned something about taking Neverland to Las Vegas and making it a tourist attraction. Joe Jackson put those rumors to rest when he said that would not happen. He said quote, "How would they do that?" Joe isn't moving Neverland to Las Vegas because it would be weird or creepy or because they only want to remember Michael Jackson for his music and not for his love of little boys but because logistically, he doesn't see how it's possible. That man is so out of his mind. I can see his mind reeling, "How would they move it? Do you think they are going to move the land it's built on as well. How will they move Neverland Ranch, the entire piece of Santa Barbara county to another state? That just seems like it's impossible. You can't just move land. Or can you? How much money would it take and make...I wish Michael were here. I'd take out this confusion on his face."
No, You're Racist: Geico pulled advertising from the Glenn Beck show after Mr. Beck claimed that Obama is racist. Cavemen are now angry that Geico doesn't acknowledge Cavemen as a race because we all know Geico thinks cavemen are stupid and inferior. They've been saying it for years. ABC tried to make a sitcom out of it. The ad campaign will never end. Blah, blah, blah...cavemen, cavemen, cavemen.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 8/12/09

The only major difference between The Jonas Brothers and Hanson are their jeans. The Jonas Brothers wouldn't be caught dead wearing in pants with that much sag. Check it out in the single that launched Hanson's career, Mmmbop!
Seriously, the Jonas Brothers should be grateful for these older brothers singing their prepubescent voices out. Unfortunately, Disney Channel wasn't obsessed with teenage pop stars like they are now and Hanson's career wasn't quite as domineering as the JoBros. Don't worry, they still sing together. Just a year ago, they were touring around the US, refusing to sing their hit Mmmbop. Fans were angry but hey, I get it. That song requires the vocal range of Whitney Houston before crack. Even the Chipmunks have a hard time. I know. Because they told me. Yeah, I'm friends with the Chipmunks. Jealous?
My favorite Hanson song? Well to be perfectly honest, I have only ever listened to about four of them. One of those four songs keeps popping up on my ipod and I catch myself tapping my toes and singing along. It's catchy, okay! Enjoy, This Time Around. (This song is obviously from one of their later albums because they are a little more grown up and like, uh, super hot.)
Uh oh, I think I like Hanson again. They remind me of Jonathan Taylor Thomas which is NEVER a bad thing. What the heck happened to that boy?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 8/10/09
Hurts So Good: Joe Jonas is single again. I'm going to use him to get closer to his younger brother, Nick. Just call me Jenna Cougar.
Jenna Jonas, I mean, Jones
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Happy August?
John who, you say? John Hughes, the master writer and director of every good movies in the 80's, had a heart attack this morning. I am more upset by this than Michael Jackson's death.
He was such a great writer! And he made our childhood so much fun! Home Alone, The Breakfast Club, European Vacation, The Great Outdoors, Sixteen Candles, Mr. Mom. Dennis the Mennis??? Without that movie, I would never be able to look anyone in the eyes cross-eyed and say, "Uh Apple." (Only my family and a few friends will understand what I'm talking about unless you've seen the movie and already know the reference. If we ever meet or speak in person, I'll show you.)
Anyway, here are my favorite lines from the movie Uncle Buck in a scene between John Candy and Maculay Culkin:
Miles: Where do you live?
Buck: In the city.
Miles: You have a house?
Buck: Apartment.
Miles: Own or rent?
Buck: Rent.
Miles: What do you do for a living?
Buck: Lots of things.
Miles: Where's your office?
Buck: I don't have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: I don't need one.
Miles: Where's your wife?
Buck: Don't have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It's a long story.
Miles: You have kids?
Buck: No I don't.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It's an even longer story.
Miles: Are you my Dad's brother?
Buck: What's your record for consecutive questions asked?
Miles: 38.
Buck: I'm your Dad's brother alright.
Miles: You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad.
Buck: How nice of you to notice.
Miles: I'm a kid - that's my job.
Thanks, John. I'm watching The Breakfast Club this weekend! Who's with me?!?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sometimes the President gets crunk...
Man, I wish I got to hang out with the president. Ah, racism, bringing people closer to the president one stupid arrest at a time.
It's been a weird race week. Glenn Beck claims Obama is racist. Obama is the middle man between the white cop and the black professor. I just found out I'm actually Korean and Jewish. Wait, that's not true.
Speaking of Jews (Did that sound racist?), last night, while waiting in line at The Shake Shack, a young female was standing in a little huddle with her friends when she said (and I promise she said this, I wrote it down): "I grew up a hippie Christian. For years, I wanted to be a pastor. But now I'm an Atheist Jew."
Whaaa? The world is one confusing place, I guess. Obama's bro-ing it out with two dudes who obviously don't like each other, someone in NYC actually thinks it's possible to be a Christian turned Jew who doesn't believe in God and I had to spend my entire week hearing about it. Thank goodness I'm so normal. I'm a normal joke telling lactose intolerant Mormon who hates feet and wants you to follow me on twitter just so I can have more followers than Larry King's wife. Totally normal.
And that is all I have to say, 4 realz.
P.S. If you are in NYC and want to see me make a fool of myself, come watch me tell jokes tomorrow night, Saturday, August 1st (eek it's August!), 7 PM at Broadway Comedy Club (53rd b/t 8th and 9th afternoon). If I like you, know you and you think I'm funny, we can totally hang out after. If you can't come to my show, follow me on twitter. Do it!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 7/29/2009
They reunite approximately every two years so they really don't get very far. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled every time they return. I'm just not surprised. To all those 13 year old girls out there, what The Jonas Brother mean to you, are exactly what the Backstreet Boys mean to me. I'll always love them.
Whatever, I'm normal.
P.S. Yesterday, I met Spinal Tap. It was awesome! Those guys are hilarious. They appeared on TDS and I was able to speak with the band for a second backstage. What a day! Click here to watch!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 7/27/09
Heavily Armed Woman: Madonna has nasty arms. Apparently the rest of America discovered that this week, even though I've been talking about them for what seems like forever. Do you think she is training for something? Like J. Lo in Enough? Is she going after Guy Ritchie? Run, Guy, run! That movie not end well for the man.
Candy is good for you, finally: As you've probably heard, blue M&M's help cure AIDS. Oh wait, I'm sorry, I got that wrong. They can help with back problems? Sure. It's actually the blue dye that helps. So drink up the blue die and your back will feel brand new. Who cares that you'll turn bright blue like Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? I mean, if you're cool with people asking, "Why so blue?" every four minutes, by all means, go for it. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Do you ever see a person and think they look smelly? That's how I feel about Anne Hathaway. And Matthew McCounaughey. Though we all know he smells because he lives outside, on purpose, and he refuses to wear deodorant. Who else smells? Monique probably smells like carbs. And Janice Dickenson smells like a hot glue gun. I bet Cameron Diaz's feet smell. Miley Cyrus smells annoying. And the Jonas Brothers smell like purity, chastity and fine, I'll stop. Oh I'm so mean today!
My newest nickname at work is Jenna Cakes. Does that make me sound fat?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sometimes youtube...
You should see the literal dance moves I came up with for the new boy band V-Factory's single, Love Struck. No really, you should.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 7/22/09
I heard this song the other night at dinner and found myself singing just about every line of the song. I didn't know I liked it so much!
Blackstreet is no Backstreet...they're much cooler. The group was formed in 1992 and since broke up, but I heard rumors that last year, they reunited and are working on another album. At least that's what Wikipedia told me.
No diggity doubt this song will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sometimes Nick Lachey...
First of all, let me just tell you that Jessica Simpson and I have all the right things in common and we all know that Jessica Simpson was his first love. J. Simpson and I are both:
1. "fat"
2. blonde
3. bad luck in the best way, of course
4. confused by "Chicken of the Sea"
Thankfully, I don't pretend to be as stupid as she is--she's a secret genius. Which I guess is just another thing she and I have in common, minus the secret. Everybody knows I'm genius or at least suspects it. It's natural.
So...Nick lives in NYC. I live in NYC. He likes sports. I would love to pretend to love sports. He likes girls. I'm happy he likes girls. Sure, he's 12 years older than me. And I may listen to Disney Channel stars when I'm not listening to his glorious voice but I'm like super duper mature for my age for sure.
We'll probably run into each other at Duane Reade and the rest will be history. Then I'll have to erase this post.
Whatever, I'm normal.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 7/20/09
That Model is Hilarious: Padma Lakshmi, a model, the host of "Top Chef," and "food expert" according to someone at Bravo, is getting her own sitcom. Her acting credits include a role in Mariah Carey's film, "Glitter" and pretending to eat on "Top Chef." Watch out Tina Fey!
Listen Up: My favorite girl pop group has arrived in the USA! Wonder Girls are now on tour with The Jonas Brothers, my other favorite girl group. They sing in Engrish!
Say What?: I heard that 30 Rock was nominated for 2,222 Emmys. And Jimmy Fallon wasn't nominated for any? Whaaaaa?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Newest Formerly-known-as-the-Ninja-Fund Dare
Formerly-known-as-the-Ninja-Fund Dare: Drink a cup of Fresca my niece washed her ketchup hot dog hands in for $4.00
Formerly-known-as-the-Ninja-Fund Total as of 7/16/09: $4.00
Sometimes New Yorkers...
New Yorkers know how to walk in NYC. Crossing the street quickly, efficiently and whenever we want is something we take pride in. Tourists completely give themselves away by obeying the crosswalk while the rest of us New Yorkers like to stick it to the little white man and walk when we're not supposed to. We're like deer. We wait until we see the car coming and bolt across the street.
I hate when I actually have to wait to cross the street and I turn and there's a jogger jogging in place next to me. Really? Really rubbin' it in, aren't you? Is it actually helping or are you just saying, "Oh, look at me, I'm healthy. I like to jog. Woooo." Settle down, I get it, you're skinny.
Of course, me and skinny pants are both waiting to cross the street six feet into the road already, forcing the cars to go around us. It's like Frogger in reverse. We go and the cars swerve. My favorite pedestrian move, and we all do this, is when a car is coming and we stick our hand up in the air like we're a friggin' Jedi or Superman or something. As if our hand has the power to put up an impenetrable force field that will stop the cab that is racing to get through the light and we've already decided their time is up and it's our turn to cross. It's a casual hand. Raised just high enough to catch the front bumper of the car before it hits us and high enough to infuriate every driver on the road.
Cars and taxis are one thing. They could hit you. But buses and bikes WILL hit you. Honestly, sometimes I think buses are actually looking for people to run over. And bikes, well, don't underestimate the power of the bike. And the power of a pedestrian who gets hit by a bike. Why? One day, I was sitting in a restaurant, eating, enjoying my meal, minding my own business when I look out the window and see a woman get hit by a bike. She and the cyclist both fell to the ground. The biker immediately got up, hopped back on his bike and tried to leave. The pedestrian jumped up, chased after the bike, caught up, pushed him over, sat on his bike and refused to move until the police and ambulance arrived. Of course, when the ambulance arrived, the woman totally milked it. Please, she wasn't hurt. But come on biker, hit and run? Someones an illegal alien.
As you all know, I'm from Utah. There are no pedestrians where I'm from except for one crazy homeless man that hangs out on various corners around the city. When I was a kid, I assumed everyone on the street was homeless. When I moved to NYC, I thought, man, there are a lot of homeless people here. Of course, I quickly realized that although most people might look a little dirty, rough around the edges and often times smell like BO, that's actually just the New York way of life. It toughens you up and leaves you with a city stank. I've actually been mistaken for a homeless person once. For realz. I already blogged about it so I'll spare you the details again but if you must know, click here. And as for the city stink, I recently visited Utah and when my niece walked in the door of my house, she said, "It smells like Jenna!" The stink is real...or my niece is a vampire.
Oh NYC, I've come to terms with the fact that I am yours and you are mine even though you smell like a homeless butt and I'm probably going leave this world like a squished bug on a windshield.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 7/15/09
O-Town was created by P. Diddy in the first season of MTV's hit show, Making The Band. They lasted a measly three years but spawned a lot of other awful pop music reality programs. Their first single, "Liquid Dreams" was absolutely charming. Oh wait, I didn't mean charming, I meant nasty trash. Yes, Liquid Dreams was nasty trash. But believe it or not, it wasn't as bad as their other single, "Every 6 Seconds". They wanted "All or Nothing." Obviously they were getting nothing. Diddy must have had them on a tight leash.
My favorite music video was "We Fit Together" because they were on a boat. For some reason, this song and the boat caught my attention. It's kind of ghetto and again, they sing about embarrassing things similar to the things they sing about in Liquid Dreams but like I said, they were on a boat. Enough said.
Their power ballad, "All or Nothing" uses classic boy band manipulation. You know, the ol' key change, emotionally draining harmonies, and an angst ridden love story. I won't lie. I kind of love it. So click here and enjoy. Dream of love lost and lost found. Think of that special someone. Remember the first time you saw this special someone and wanted to shout from the rooftops, "I'm in LOVE!" While you do that, I'm going to go barf.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 7/13/09
DUH!: Madonna is on steroids. So that explains the man arms. I blame A-Rod and the media and the King of Pop. As he became more and more feminine, Madonna felt the need to become more and more masculine. It only makes sense. The Queen of Pop was worried that her reign was being threatened. Do you think the Queen of England is bothered when people call themselves Queen of _____?
JON & The New KATE: Jon, the less charismatic half of the wildly popular only because they couldn't keep it in their pants Jon and Kate parents of 8, is now dating Kate's Plastic Surgeon's daughter. She's 22. And she wants kids. And a reality TV show. Oh Jon, you'll never learn.
MJ4EVR: It's almost been a week since the memorial but donations are still being accepted from fans of Michael Jackson in order to help pay for the memorial expenses. Please send any donations to me as I have graciously offered to collect them.
Jenna Kim Jones
New York City
Don't worry, the Post Master knows where to find me.
Remember, it's Bastille Day so don't forget to eat a crepe! Mais oui!
Sometimes the party is over...
I had quite a week in Utah which culminated with four awesome shows at Wise Guys Comedy Club in Salt Lake City. First, I want to say thanks to everyone who came out and saw the show. Second, I want to say thanks to the fantastic comedians at Wise Guys. Keith Stubbs is hilarious! And be sure to check out Spencer King who is headlining at Trolley Square next weekend. He is friggin' funny. That's right, friggin.
Vacation is over and now like I said, I'm back in good ol' NYC. I flew in on the red eye this morning which only reminds me how much I hate flying, let alone flying all night long. So of course, I have a few complaints. Here we go....go.......go.............
How desperate do airlines have to get? It's really pathetic. It's like a girlfriend who gets dumped and then begs for her boyfriend to come back only making her appear more clingy and irritating than ever before. Airlines who are obviously in financial trouble, should be begging for our service and yet they keep making it harder and harder for us to take them back. First, they take away our second bag, then some airlines charge to check a first bag. Then they take away food and leave us with off-brand snacks and one cup, not even the can, of soda. Let me tell you, I'm fine with losing those things. I can handle it. One bag forces me to pack more carefully and airplane food was about as delicious as the plastic food set I gave to my niece for Christmas last year. But did you know, that Jet Blue now charges $7 for a blanket? Airplanes are cold! I was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and shivered. Shivered me timbers all night long because I was not about to pay $7 for a blanket with so much static, I wouldn't be able to touch a light switch for a week without getting shocked. It's like 4 degrees at 30,000 feet and it felt like someone had cracked a window. I could have taken glamor shots, there was so much wind on that plane. At the end of the flight, the attendants handed out a "hot" towel which was actually a baby wipe that was put in the microwave for no more than ten seconds.
Of course, this is all some lame ploy to get us to buy their blankets but I was not going to fall for it. It was the first time I was grateful to be sitting by a fat person. I just snuggled up to one of his rolls. Or was he snuggling up to mine? Whatever. $7 for a blanket? I could buy a house in Mexico for $7. I could sew 400 blankets in China with $7 and I'm sure they would be nicer than the $7 rip off that flight attendant tried to sell to me. Unfortunately, I'd have to fly to China in order to make those blankets and I might die of pneumonia before I get there but if I did make it, I'd be a friggin' hero. I'm surprised the flight attendant didn't ask me to donate money to MJ's memorial while she was at it. Hey Obama, could we include a little extra stimulus money for airplane blankets? You know what's even more annoying? People who fly first class. They probably have down comforters up there with their bubbly and fine cheeses. Whatever. I'll stick with my cheese crackers shaped like whales and a cup of diet coke.
Blanket revolution! Who's with me?!?!
I'm so over this post, like I'm over MJ's death. Snap! How 'bout that Sarah Palin, huh, quittin' and stuff? And I see Obama's a butt man. What else happened while I wasn't paying attention to the world? I'm about to find out.
Peace out, blogtards. This feels right, don't you think? Yeah, you know you're happy I'm back.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'm still in Utah...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sometimes I go on vacation...
That's right, I'm in Utah soooo I've been a little lazy about blogging. If you forgive me, I won't call you a nerd for at least a week. But maybe I'll try to blog at some point this week.
In the meantime, watch the news. OH wait, the news is ONLY showing Michael Jackson Memorial coverage. I am bored. Remember when Iran was having a revolution last week? Yeah, I'd like to hear about that. That seems important. Oh and remember when North Korea fired off a bunch of missiles last weekend? I do but CNN doesn't. Michael is dead but his music will live on forever and forever, blah, blah, blah, MOVE ON.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Doesn't This Only Happen In Movies?
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Kevin Jonas, the oldest of Disney's very own Jonas Brothers recently got engaged. I showed this clip to my coworker and her first reaction was, "Wow, he's really outshining Kevin Jonas." So true, Kevin. You got served.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 7/1/09
Until now, I never questioned their band name (though I just realized how feminine the name actually sounds. Keep in mind, they're European.) There are three members of BBMak: Mark Barry, Christian Burns and Stephen McNally. Get it?
Most of BBMak's songs sound exactly the same but their good looks make up for the lacking melodies. Yes, they are hot. Not only do they sound the same, they all kind of look the same too. But again like I said, they are very attractive so when you watch their music videos, you never have the "Joey" moment. You know, the few times in an NSYNC video where they give Joey camera time. Ew. With BBMak, it's all cute all the time. Did I mention they're adorable? Because they are. Seriously, BBMak withstood the test of time. No overalls, no hoop earrings, no long hair or braided hair, no baggy clothing. These guys were ahead of their time.
Enjoy their song, "Back Here"
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sometimes I take a trip...
1. celebrate America
2. see my family
3. perform stand up comedy at Wise Guys Comedy Club
Seriously, Utah, I'm on my way. And while I'm visiting, Wise Guys Comedy Club has been so kind as to let me perform July 10th and 11th at their Trolley Square location in Salt Lake City. More details to come but until then, you'd better mark your calendars because you now have hilarious plans with me.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 6/29/09
I Can't Hear You - Do as I'm doing and ignore the fact that another plane crashed in the Ocean last night. I'm flying this weekend. Thankfully over no oceans. I really don't want want to crash, it's so cliche these days. And can you imagine crashing in Oklahoma? Gross.
Life's a B.... - Madoff is in prison for 150 years or 21 dogs years. Time sounds better in dog years. Not that I feel bad for him. The real victim here is his wife who now because of her husband's wrong doings has to sell her $50,000 fur. I'm not sure how she'll be able to forgive him. You can find the fur on e-bay. The current bid is $4.50.
Dude, Really? - Simon Cowell wants up to $144 million a year to judge American Idol contestants. So do I but it ain't never gonna happen. Come on Simon, really? That seems a little excessive. What are you going to do with all that money? Unless you need the money to create Spice Girls the Next Generation, Five II and get a little surgery to fix the man boobs, I think you can afford to take a hit in your salary. Actually, Simon recently said that he would negotiate for about $75 million a year as long as he recieved a lifetime supply of Hanes deep v-neck t-shirts size tight.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sometimes a legend dies...
Ok, ok, Jeff Goldblum is still alive BUT that was, what I thought, an hilarious Twitter rumor started yesterday after MJ passed.
Just in case you missed it...
Mark Sanford is lucky because no one cares about him anymore. And poor Farrah Fawcett has been upstaged by Jacko. You think he could have waited and died a few days later. RUDE.
Do you think Michael will come back to life in time for his concerts in London? I sure hope so.
Anyway, I ran out of time to write today and I am about to leave work and I really just want to go home and watch a movie because the weather is a total beeeeeyotch.
I love you guys. Really. I do. Stay you.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 6/24/09
Why? Sweden loves Abba and this pop group loves singing Abba songs. "A"*Teens...Abba Teens...get it? Their first album was dedicated to Abba remakes. Though the only scene when you might listen to their version of "Mama Mia" would involve DDR or an old Now That's What I Call Music CD at a sleepover when you were 12. Or maybe that's just me.
Eventually the group branched out and sang a few of their own songs as well which is actually when those of us who watched Disney Channel growing up were introduced to their song, "Upside Down." It's my personal favorite. Any song that references dancing on the ceiling (thanks Lionel) is a personal favorite.
Oh Sweden and your glorious pop. Abba, A*Teens, Ace of Base. They're obsessed with the two boy, two girl combination. To each Country his own. Americans love a pop group that consists of five boys or five girls. Mess with that winning format and you will never reach the top of the pop group list. Why do you think 98 Degrees failed to keep up with NSYNC or Backstreet Boys? They needed that extra member to complete the perfect five part harmony and the classic "'V" dance formation. Duh.
Enjoy A*Teens. They broke up years ago so their few songs are all we have left.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sometimes only YOU...
So e-mail me at to let me know that you are coming to my show. The last time I performed at this club, it was packed and people were turned away so please make your reservations ASAP and remember to arrive early or you won't get in! The details are below!
Super Ego Comedy Showcase!
New York Comedy Club (241 East 24th b/t 2nd and 3rd)
Thursday July 16 9:00 PM
$10 cover ($8 w/ Student ID) + 2 drink minimum
Please e-mail me for a reservation ASAP (
I know it's on a Thursday but don't be's the can handle starting your weekend a little early. It will be fun. Super fun.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 6/22/09
NOW HIRING CELIBACY: Get paid to NOT have sex without becoming a Nun! In Greensboro, North Carolina, teenage girls are being paid to NOT get pregnant. Seriously. Every day you don't get pregnant, you get $1.00. Good for you! You didn't have sex and get pregnant! The money goes into an interest-bearing college fund that the winners collect if they don't have a baby when they graduate from high school. However, if you and whoever can't keep your clothes on you get pregnant, not only will your hard earned money be divided evenly among the other ladies but you will also be silently judged. If you drop out of high school completely, you actually have to pay $1.00 for every day you missed because you were with child. How 'bout them apples? If you are interested in earning $1.00 a day and you live in North Carolina and would like more information click here.
When you become a politician and you sneak away on a cruise with your girlfriend, don't come back. We're over it.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sometimes I wonder if my dentist...
My dentist in Utah still thinks I'm 14 which is fine, whatever. He's as weird as you'd expect any dentist to be. Perhaps some of you or your parents are dentists. That's great but I never met a dentist who isn't a little bizarro. I think it's all vacation time they get. Dentists are just too relaxed.
Well I thought my old dentist was a goof until I met Dr. Whateveryournameis (I really can't remember his name because even when I was staring at his name tag, I wasn't sure how to even begin to pronounce it) this morning at 8 AM. Because it was my first visit, my dentist wanted to perform my teeth cleaning personally so he could "get to know my mouth." Is that harassment? I can't decide but I'm leaning towards yes. He looked in my mouth, poked at my teeth and gums and then started to feel up my jaw. He was rubbing both sides of my face when he asked, "Have you always had such a strong jaw and such round cheeks?"
Oh dear. I couldn't help what happened next...the words just spewed from my mouth.
You know, Dr. Skelfhsiekbwei, my jaw wasn't always this strong but after years of what I call, stuffing-my-face-strength-training, I'm finally starting to see results. Thankfully, I've got these round cheeks from all that eating to support the strong jaw you've been massaging. Come on, really? Now even my jaw is fat? Listen up, dentist man, I'm big bone. Give me a break, I grew up in a big, strong and...big family. If you wanted to eat, you had to fight for your food and if you didn't end a meal sweaty, you weren't going to survive. So maybe, just maybe, all the chewing strengthened my jaw. And as for my chubby cheeks, well, maybe I retain a lot of water...or I'm tubby. I don't know. You tell me, you're the "doctor."
I sure told him. Okay fine, in reality, I said nothing because my teeth were covered in polish (which, by the way, is never thoroughly rinsed out leaving me with gritty mouth) and there was a hose sucking up any and all moisture in my mouth (I think my tongue started to shrivel up at one point).
Whatever. I like my jaw. And actually, I kind of liked the dentist. He didn't mess around, he's going to fix my teeth, and he takes my insurance. So basically, he's the man and he's going to get to know my mouth whether he likes it or not. Though from the way he was feeling up my jaw, I think he kind of liked it.
Jenna, the Beached Whale
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 6/17/09
These are the baddest (perhaps in more ways than one if you're a hater) white boyz of boy band music history. Ok they're at least in the top five. But seriously, these guys take boy bands to a whole new level with their exaggerated attempt to look and sound like they can rap.
5ive was created by Simon Cowell which only confirms that the man really is the genius he makes us all believe he is. And that genius totally makes up for his man boobs.
I've blogged this story before but I have to tell it once more. When I was young, like 10, 11, maybe 12, I bought 5ive's single, "Baby When the Lights Go Out" and listened to it secretly in my room because I didn't want my mom to know I was listening to such a scandalous song.
Click here if you want to see these British beaus sing about turning the lights off in a bowling alley with some super rockin' chicks. Boy bands love bowling. I love bowling. We should totally hang out.
Honestly, I didn't know that 5ive released any other songs in the US after "Baby When The Lights Go Out," because it was at that point in my life when I discovered the Backstreet Boys. So I just discovered the next two songs as well.
Follow this link for "Everybody Get Up." Best line of the chorus: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5ive will make you get down now." Get it? It's clever because they are counting to five but the name of their group is also 5ive.
Another one of their winning singles? "Slam Dunk Da Funk." That's right ladies, Zac Efron wasn't the first heartthrob to play basketball and dance. Do you want to get down? Do you want to get funky? Slam Dunk da Funk and click here.
My conclusion: 5ive is obsessed with getting down though I'm not sure they even know what that means.
This new weekly post is completely self indulgent. I love it.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 6/15/09
Good View - The "women" of The View made Heidi and Spencer Pratt look as stupid as they actually are (not that they don't already do that; they were just actually called out on their inane behavior) on TV the other day. It was the most refreshing thing I've seen on that show since...never. I almost liked Joy. If you want to watch it, click here.
Phew - You can relax, Shia LeBeouf didn't say anything creepy about his mother last week. But there's always this week. I wonder if I'm anything like his mother. Yep, you can always count on me to say something creepy this week.
Boozin' It Up - The Hangover was the #1 movie again this weekend only because people couldn't remember that they had already seen it thanks to the wild partying they did after they saw it the first time. I call it The Hangover hangover.
It's a weak week, I know. Whatever, I'm JK.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sometimes secrets...
The Jonas Brothers are having a FREE secret concert tonight at Irving Plaza in Union Square. So if you love being around high pitched screaming or you have a thing for tweens in tight jeans, come on down for a rockin' night. Apparently there are already 500 people on line so make sure you wear a helmet and bring a knife.
For more details, click here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 6/10/09
The first song is sweet, innocent, charming, naive.
Then the vices of the world force these ladies to walk the "edgy" line.
And when edgy didn't work, they disappeared.
If I were going to start a pop group, I would call it, "A-Sass." The girls would be forced to use sassy names that end in the letter "A" like, Lisa, Monica, Dana, and of course, Jenna. (Obviously, I'd be the star.) Our first single would be called, "Sassy Girl" and in every song after that, we'd mention "the love doctor" who would be a recurring character in our music videos played by Enrique Iglesias. Though I'm going to need Timbaland or Timberland to back me up if we want to be legit.
Get ready for next week's pop music pick me up. I'm thinking, Aaron Carter. I've got more than a few words to say about that kid.