...second chances.
Once you've been impeached from a government position, are you allowed to run for office again? Like, for example, say you were the governor and then you were impeached for being a total DB, are you banned from running for the position once more? Because I get the feeling that Mr. Blago has the audacity to run over and over again. And by audacity, I mean balls. He is so crazy. You know what's even crazier? Illinoisans, the same Illinoisans who voted for Blago twice and elected the last 4 of 8 corrupt Illinois governors, might just elect him again!
I'll miss him. But mostly, I'll miss the hair. But not as much as I miss the Spice Girls. (You knowI had to throw that in there. I had to. I couldn't resist.)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sometimes I feel like a newsie...
...so I put on my cap, sing and dance and almost go on strike?
No. I don't. Sing? Yes. Dance? Absolutely. But I'm not the type to strike. But most of France is on strike right now. It's been a rough day for them. And will continue to be as their economy goes down the toilet as well. I read an article today that, instead of fully explaining the strike, talked about how people commuted to work without a fully functioning metro. Apparently rollerblading is a big thing and I imagined hundreds of people rollerblading around Paris. Wouldn't that be awesome? New Yorkers should try it. Of course, that means I would need to learn how to rollerblade but I'm in if you are.
Did you see Blago today? He gave an hilarious closing statement at his impeachment trial. Hilarious meaning ridiculous and arrogant once you realized that the sincerity that he was trying so hard to create was a bunch of bologna. For half a second, I was almost convinced we shouldn't impeach him until he said something like "Walk a mile in my shoes. If this could happen to me, it could happen to you..." Coming from his lips, that phrase sounded especially threatening. Then he continued, "Do you know how painful it is to drive down the street and see people waiting for the bus who voted for me. Well presumably voted for me. More of them did, than didn't and know that I can't help them...I want to apologize but I can't... " Man, he is one crazy son of a...woman with amazing hair. At one point during the speech, he used the word, sensationalization, which I'm not sure is actually a correct form of the word sensational but either way, I've decided to use it as much as possible for the next week. How many times can I throw it into every day conversation? The only problem is every time I say it, I have the urge to whip out my spirit fingers, followed by a little Fosse choreography.
So about this salmonella outbreak. There were 12 reports, I repeat, 12 reports that claimed there was salmonella contamination at this Peanut Butter factory in Georgia and yet the product was still shipped out. The fact that salmonella was present in the factory blows my mind. I mean, there is always a chance of salmonella in raw chicken and eggs. Both Rocky and I put our bowels at risk every time we drink a glass of raw eggs before we go running in the morning but to actually know that there is salmonella contamination in peanut butter and then think, well, maybe people won't notice, is a big big problem. (Yes, Rocky is real and when I say that I drink raw eggs in the morning before I go running, I actually mean, I eat raw eggs in the cookie dough I make and eat in front of the TV. I'm still living on the edge...of salmonella poisoning.)
What is wrong with this world?
P.S. I'm still listening to Kelly Clarkson's new song. Deal.
Sometimes my Backstreet Boys...
...grow up so fast!
Nick Carter turned 29 today on January 29th. Aw, how cute. Honestly, I can't believe he's only 29. Perhaps in another life, I would have had a chance with him after all. He was only seven years older than me this whole time??? (More like six and a half but who's counting...Oh wait, I am.) He's celebrating in Canada. Why? Because ever since his reality television show, House of Carters, revealed the Carter's true colors, he hasn't been able to show his face in the states. And maybe Canadians throw better birthday parties. It's possible. Have you ever celebrated your birthday in Canada? Exactly. So don't rule out the possibility that birthdays are that much better up north.
But I'd just like to say, Nick Carter, Happy Birthday and thank you. Thank you for getting me through some rough and chubby pre teen and teenage years. I used to love you. Now I just have fond memories of our time together. And by our time together, I mean the few years I listened to BSB albums every single night and stared at your poster above my bed.
Did I mention that I miss the Spice Girls?
The boy band/girl band era was good to me. I can't wait to tell my kids about it. And they will be forced to listen.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sometimes American Idol visits...
...Saaaaalt Laaaaake Citttyyyyy: my home away from home away from home. That makes sense, I promise.
I just finished watching this week's episode of AI and I'm still taking it all in. Let's chat for a minute about this episode so I can get some sleep:
1. OMG, Utahns are like so gosh darn it all nice! They were grateful through tears of rejection! They smiled after hours of waiting in line, wishing, hoping, praying...for a chance to...say something nice on the camera? Seriously, the producers did everything they could to find some crazy for that episode and it was still the most bland episode, probably ever. Even the bad singers were decent.
2. An Osmond? Really? He had to audition? He really doesn't have any other connections in the music business? Really?
3. Utah is a beautiful state full of beautiful people. Why do you think I had to leave? In Utah, I'm a 2 but in New York City I'm at least a 6 or a 7. But seriously, there are about 9 ugly people in Utah and apparently ALL of them think they are the next American Idol. Utah, a state with a population of over 2,000,000 people, has less than 10 ugly people. And you lucky viewers saw them all.
In the end, I saw some of my old friends, acquaintances, singing nemesis, nemesi, nemesises? And I thought, wow, I'm so glad that's not me.
I can't wait to be made fun at work today.
Thanks American Idol. And thank you, happy happy Utahns.
P.S. The girl who sings like Amy Winehouse? The stay at home mom? Still confused? Of course you are. Because every 22 year old that made it through to Hollywood already had a kid or two. Well, if you can remember this one, the one I'm talking about, well, she already has music on itunes. Is that allowed?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sometimes ugly...
...goes too far.

It's a match made in hair heaven. It would make Jonathan Antin cry tears of joy or beeyotchie jealousy.
Tonight I'm bringing you entertainment news. Stop pretending you don't care and read.
Ugly Betty is going on hiatus. Why? Braces, unibrow, out of control frizz, horrible sweaters, nagging personality. It all adds up to one thing: Ugly Betty it just too ugly. Remember the movie, "She's All That." Of course you do. Ugly in that movie meant Rachael Leigh Cook with glasses. Now that's the kind of ugly Americans want to watch. Americans don't need to watch ugly people on TV because Americans have to stare at themselves in the mirror everyday. And lastly, I'll believe just about any story line you throw at me but I refuse to believe that Betty's personality is so good she can attract two smokin' hot guys who are willing to risk their own beauty in a fist fight for her affection. No, leave ugly people to the real world, The Real World, or any other crappy reality program starring that rapper with the giant clock around his neck.
This just in: Rod Blago and Jackie Chan are going to appear together in an ad campaign for Head and Shoulders. Blago couldn't be happier; he could really use the work right now.

Robbie Williams is moving back to the UK. No, not Robin, Robbie. You know, the guy who sang that song. It was on the radio occasionally a couple of years ago. He misses England. And the career he left over there. Poor guy.
American Idol runner up, David Archuleta, is going on tour this year sponsored by AARP. His opening act is Clay Aiken. Old ladies everywhere were thrilled to hear that Clay was so "happy" this past year but couldn't figure out why everyone kept talking about it. Don't ruin this for your Grandma. Tickets for the Archuleta/Aiken tour go on sale at retirement homes near you. *
I miss the Spice Girls.
That is all.
*Sorry Sara.
P.S. I'd like to give a shout out to the lovely people I got to Chat 'n Chew with at dinner this evening. It was great to be with old friends. I needed it. Let's do it again soon but not too soon or we might get sick of each other. And there I go again, ruining this special moment for everyone.
Monday, January 26, 2009
So so so so sometimes...
...you have to fight off winter depression by NOT eating an entire bag of Sun Chips in two days and then running seven miles the next day in order to feel less guilty. That is NOT how you win over the winter blues. You should also NOT read three depressing books in the row and find yourself crying in bed over people who don't exist. Ugh. I thought I wasn't a crier. I may have changed. Finally, I'm growing a conscience.
I found these glasses at Party City. I didn't buy them. I know, I know. Why would I not buy a pair of sunglasses I'm obviously cool enough to pull off, right? What do you think, Drew?
Why are January and February so "G-dang" depressing? (Yes, I typed G-dang.)
It's cold (except in SoCal, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it...). Valentine's Day is around the corner. Christmas left everybody fat. Hmm, what else?
Kate Winslet is going to win a million more oscars, for good reason but seriously, how many does she need? (She should melt all of her awards together and make one giant oscar. ) Brad Pitt can make creepy movies about old perverted babies, throw Hurricane Katrina in it for no reason and still recieve more nominations than Slumdog Millionaire. I'm almost 23 and I still misspell the word receive. Ex-Governor Blago (there is no chance of me spelling his real name correctly) is a total freak. Seriously, what is wrong with that man? I think he traded his brain for that hair (Although Oprah could have almost been a Senator). The economy still stinks and it isn't going to get better anytime soon. I have to pay taxes this year. What's next? Are you going to tell me that Pluto isn't a planet or something? Aw, crap. You already told me that. Aaahhh, what else is going on? Don't tell me there's a salmonella outbreak? In peanut butter? I just bought the Costco two pack! The gallon tubs are stored in my closet next to my giant role of bubble wrap, my collection of BBC DVD's and a 12 pack of toothbrushes!
What is wrong with the world???
I need to chill out. I need to find a reason for the season. I need to change my 'tude.
There has to be some good to talk about.
Should I mention that I just ruined two batches of cookies? Oh and technically I lost $100,000 in a bet with my mom yesterday. I say technically because I didn't sign anything so I'm not sure it's legit. If she sues me for her money, I owe her $10 a day for just over 27 years and that doesn't include interest.
Alright, alright, on to the good. Here are some ways to cope with and get through the next couple of months:
1. Indian dancing. Indians, as in, people from India. I just googled "Indian Dancing" and I think I'm supposed to refer to it as Dance in India. I think we all need a lesson from Bollywood, who proves that that dancing in movies makes everybody happy. For example (and I realize this isn't a "Bollywood" movie but it is still set in India): the dancing at the end of Slumdog Millionaire makes the whole story worth it, poop dive and all.
2. Kelly Clarkson has a new single out which sounds pretty much exactly like "Since You've Been Gone." Enjoy Kelly and her new single. You know you loved "Since You've Been Gone." All of you, loved that song, you did and you still do. You know you blast it during the bitter phase of every break up you've had since that song was born. Her new single is called, "My Life Would Suck Without You." Classy and catchy.
3. American Idol started again. Now before you groan because you are SO TOTALLY OVER AI, just think about it this way. For the first month and a half all the show does is highlight the weirdos who the producers have somehow manipulated into thinking are good singers so Simon can then crush their dreams, ambition, spirit, soul, etc. Now you can feel bad for them OR you can realize that there are people out there who are more oblivious to reality, more socially awkward and more unattractive than you are in order to boost your own self esteem/ego. You really are sick. I would never do that because I grew a conscience. Yeah, that's right, I'm better than you. Ha.
4. Now about that Christmas weight. Focus on the good parts that are left on your body unless of course you REALLY let go, in which case, good luck. At least your toes didn't gain weight unless of course they did. Is that even possible? Or at least you can wear that sweater that your aunt gave you that you don't really like but hides a new bulge or two. Or at least you can live in denial and wear those size 4 pants that were obviously sized wrong. Yes, that's the answer. Live in denial. You and Blago.
5. Lastly, tell someone you love him/her unless of course you ACTUALLY love him/her and there's a chance that he/she might not love you back. That is a bad idea. So in fact, maybe you should keep your feelings to yourself for now and just try to be a little nicer to him/her tomorrow. We're not in Kindergarten anymore. If you want his attention, stop hitting and put on a shorter skirt. If you want her attention, don't pull her hair, pull out the cash.
I feel better already! Now where did I put those Sun Chips...
Love love,
Jenna the Cool, according to the Drew who took me to Homecoming in 2003. Thank you Drew, for giving my family more reason to make fun of me. I deserve it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, please see the comments under the the post titled "Sometimes Plane Crashes...")

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