Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sometimes I feel like a newsie... I put on my cap, sing and dance and almost go on strike?

No. I don't. Sing? Yes. Dance? Absolutely. But I'm not the type to strike. But most of France is on strike right now. It's been a rough day for them. And will continue to be as their economy goes down the toilet as well. I read an article today that, instead of fully explaining the strike, talked about how people commuted to work without a fully functioning metro. Apparently rollerblading is a big thing and I imagined hundreds of people rollerblading around Paris. Wouldn't that be awesome? New Yorkers should try it. Of course, that means I would need to learn how to rollerblade but I'm in if you are.

Did you see Blago today? He gave an hilarious closing statement at his impeachment trial. Hilarious meaning ridiculous and arrogant once you realized that the sincerity that he was trying so hard to create was a bunch of bologna. For half a second, I was almost convinced we shouldn't impeach him until he said something like "Walk a mile in my shoes. If this could happen to me, it could happen to you..." Coming from his lips, that phrase sounded especially threatening. Then he continued, "Do you know how painful it is to drive down the street and see people waiting for the bus who voted for me. Well presumably voted for me. More of them did, than didn't and know that I can't help them...I want to apologize but I can't... " Man, he is one crazy son of a...woman with amazing hair. At one point during the speech, he used the word, sensationalization, which I'm not sure is actually a correct form of the word sensational but either way, I've decided to use it as much as possible for the next week. How many times can I throw it into every day conversation? The only problem is every time I say it, I have the urge to whip out my spirit fingers, followed by a little Fosse choreography.

So about this salmonella outbreak. There were 12 reports, I repeat, 12 reports that claimed there was salmonella contamination at this Peanut Butter factory in Georgia and yet the product was still shipped out. The fact that salmonella was present in the factory blows my mind. I mean, there is always a chance of salmonella in raw chicken and eggs. Both Rocky and I put our bowels at risk every time we drink a glass of raw eggs before we go running in the morning but to actually know that there is salmonella contamination in peanut butter and then think, well, maybe people won't notice, is a big big problem. (Yes, Rocky is real and when I say that I drink raw eggs in the morning before I go running, I actually mean, I eat raw eggs in the cookie dough I make and eat in front of the TV. I'm still living on the edge...of salmonella poisoning.)

What is wrong with this world?


P.S. I'm still listening to Kelly Clarkson's new song. Deal.


Sara said...

love your blog :)

Rachel said...

Same type of strikes happened when I was in Paris. And yes, there were in fact hoards of people rollerblading to work. Rollerblading is all the rage there. I almost bought a pair when I got home....