Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sometimes my Backstreet Boys...

...grow up so fast!

Nick Carter turned 29 today on January 29th. Aw, how cute. Honestly, I can't believe he's only 29. Perhaps in another life, I would have had a chance with him after all. He was only seven years older than me this whole time??? (More like six and a half but who's counting...Oh wait, I am.) He's celebrating in Canada. Why? Because ever since his reality television show, House of Carters, revealed the Carter's true colors, he hasn't been able to show his face in the states. And maybe Canadians throw better birthday parties. It's possible. Have you ever celebrated your birthday in Canada? Exactly. So don't rule out the possibility that birthdays are that much better up north.

But I'd just like to say, Nick Carter, Happy Birthday and thank you. Thank you for getting me through some rough and chubby pre teen and teenage years. I used to love you. Now I just have fond memories of our time together. And by our time together, I mean the few years I listened to BSB albums every single night and stared at your poster above my bed.

Did I mention that I miss the Spice Girls?

The boy band/girl band era was good to me. I can't wait to tell my kids about it. And they will be forced to listen.


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