Alright, I saw it. I saw the movie with so many truth bombs, I left the theater (which was, by the way, the biggest movie theater I have ever sat in with less than a dozen viewers and the guy with stinky McDonald's had to sit right next to me...of course) hopeless and ready to give up dating altogether. That's right dating: I'm just not that into YOU or any of our friends!
Scarlett Hohansson, excuse me, Johansson is as scanky as I thought she was. Don't tell me she wasn't playing herself. That role came way to naturally.
Myspace is dying, if not officially dead, after that movie. Cancel your accounts, ladies and gentlemen, and get yourself a real estate broker.
Although I was happy to see Gigi and Alex end up together, I'm 100% sure he wouldn't act like such a girl about it. Isn't that the point of the film? That guys don't obsess about girls like girls obsess about guys? Oh, right, Gigi was the exception. Whatever. I don't buy it. Alex would have realized he liked her and asked her out like a man does. She would have been an easy catch, they'd be sleeping together even more quickly than Hohanson was performing a skinny dipping routine for a married man and we'd all hope and some of us might even pray they'd work out so that Gigi could end her cyberstalking days once and for all.
Unfortunately, the film doesn't give men a lot of credit. I imagine there are good ones out there. I think I've met a few. I think.
I didn't hate the movie. It was just so darn true! Aren't romantic comedies supposed to be outrageous, ridiculous, absurd, resulting in unrealistically high expectations of my own romantic endeavors?
Oh by the way, I'm just not that into you, Chris Brown.

What are you going to do about it, hit me?