Last night I was hanging out at Border's with my homies. I have a few, hard to believe, I know. Obviously we are cool kids, hanging at Border's Bookstore on a Friday night with a mass of middle aged housewives and angst ridden teenage girls (who are dying to be "in love") waiting to see what Stephenie Meyer's has in store for Edward and Bella.
Why were we there? I don't know, especially because my friends are ALL males between the ages of 21-23. Oh wait, that's exactly why we were there. Their odds were especially good last night.
Here's what happened:
1. A girl with "vampire eyes" (contacts that made her look posessed) jumped out from behind a bookshelf and scared me so bad I went ninja on her.
2. Coby hit on girls, I mean, women, I mean...females somewhere in between that stage. Britney Spears has a whole song about it.
3. I discovered that there really are vampires in Utah. My brother Tyler tried to convince me of that when he worked the graveyard shift at the 7/11 in South Provo but I didn't believe him until now. Slurpees are vampires second favorite beverage.
4. I ran into an old friend who knew me when I looked like this:

I'm the girl in the pink "kitty" costume. The other females in the photo would probably sue me if they could for posting this. (I'm laughing inside.)
5. Ryan thanked all of the Border's employees for coming to his party. After a while, they got annoyed, tied him up and offered him as a sacrifice to all the hungry vampires.
6. I didn't see any attractive vampire men so I don't believe in Edward at all.
7. I offered my friends $5.00 to do a variety of dares and none of them took me up on it and I was highly disappointed. Don't worry, I didn't let it ruin my night.
After a night out with vampires, I don't think I am any smarter.
Although I did realize one thing: I need to write a book.