Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mid Week Pop Music Pick Me Up 7/1/09

It's shocking that a boy band this good wasn't organized by Simon Cowell. When I was 13, these four British beaus serenaded me through a long awkward summer. Not only were the boys of BBMak my summer loves but when they made an appearance on, what I still consider to be the greatest Disney television show ever, Even Stevens, I fell in love. I downplayed my feelings for these lovely men of Liverpool because I worried that if I fanned these love flames, those feelings could exceed those of my beloved Backstreet Boys.

Until now, I never questioned their band name (though I just realized how feminine the name actually sounds. Keep in mind, they're European.) There are three members of BBMak: Mark Barry, Christian Burns and Stephen McNally. Get it?

Most of BBMak's songs sound exactly the same but their good looks make up for the lacking melodies. Yes, they are hot. Not only do they sound the same, they all kind of look the same too. But again like I said, they are very attractive so when you watch their music videos, you never have the "Joey" moment. You know, the few times in an NSYNC video where they give Joey camera time. Ew. With BBMak, it's all cute all the time. Did I mention they're adorable? Because they are. Seriously, BBMak withstood the test of time. No overalls, no hoop earrings, no long hair or braided hair, no baggy clothing. These guys were ahead of their time.

Enjoy their song, "Back Here"



Kellee Marie Cook said...

So we went to the same high school and we're facebook friends which basically makes us best friends. anyways I somehow came across your blog (let's get real- we all blog stalk, right?) and it is way funny and witty. I love reading good witty writing! Anyways I was really pleased and mostly grateful about being reintroduced to a boy band who I loved as well. Thanks for the pick me up.. who needs boyfriends when you have boy bands? right....?

Candy Lee said...

BBMak! oh man I almost forgot about them and my awkward phase of high school when i would listen to that song on repeat! oh yeah I have the cd. good memories...thanks