Monday, March 30, 2009

Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 3/29/09

BABY WARS: Madonna is rumored to be adopting another child from Malawi. Octo-Mom heard Madonna's big news and is looking for a Malawian sperm donor. She will not be out done!

A PERSONAL BAILOUT: After being "forced" to step down yesterday, GM's CEO was seen in his pajamas, laying on a hammock in his backyard drinking a big gulp, smiling as he yelled, "This is the friggin' life. Thanks Obama!"

WEATHER ALERT: Winter has decided not to end, permanently.

NON-BAILOUT PORK: Cafe Rio is opening in New York City near Bleecker and Broadway. Tell all of your friends! (If you don't know Cafe Rio, it's because you aren't from Utah. Sorry?)

BUSTED: VP Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, might have been caught on tape snorting cocaine...or smarties. It was probably smarties. Snorting the delicious candy is all the rage right now. Either way, dang girl, you totally pulled a Phelps!

SMELLY MISTAKES: North Korea left their "test" rocket in the fridge next to the kimchi. No need to worry anymore, we'll be able to smell it coming from miles away.

That's it for this week. I'm JK...Peace out, blogtards!
