Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sometimes actors...

...can not be disturbed. And if you, for some reason, need to check the lights on the set and disturb him or her, truly disturbing things WILL happen. He or she might cut you. Or just curse loudly in your face.

I'm sure you've all heard and/or read about Christian Bale's crazy rant on the set of the new Terminator movie. I finally listened to the whole thing today after having co workers reenact the scene at me yesterday and there is something about his anger that made me blush. As I was listening, all I could do was laugh. Laugh and laugh. LOL times 10. LMAO until M A was quite literally O.

It didn't help that he kept switching accents throughout the whole thing.

It still makes me giggle. Maybe I AM disturbed. I shouldn't laugh! I shouldn't! But who gets that angry?



Jam Rob said...

you should sign it



Jam Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenna Kim Jones said...

I wouldn't want to steal your signature though.