Friday, April 17, 2009

Sometimes Britain's talent...

...gets a little ahead of themselves. Anyone else a little sick of Ms. Susan Boyle? Girl, we get it, you can sing but you haven't won the competition yet. If you aren't sick of her, you can watch her tonight on Larry King Live. I think Ashton Kutcher will be on as well. Riveting. Can't wait. What a Friday night! (They are both on because of their internet popularity. Kutcher is a twitter champion. (His Mom, I mean wife, must be proud.) WTbleep is a twitter champion? Ashton Kutcher, who now has over 1,000,000 twitter followers, is a mother loving twitter champion.) Anyway, internet sensation Susan Boyle got like 50 bizillion hits on youtube since her debut performance. Ouch! Get it? Hits? Get it? To her youtube success I say, you're welcome.

I'm afraid the word followers makes twitter users feel like they are starting their own religion. Follow ME on twitter. My twitter-ligion is based on Ninjas. It'll change your life for the better. Follow or I'll nunchuck your face. Later dweebs. I gotta go get my twit on.



Cheese Tease said...

Dweebs? Looks like you're mixing it up a little. Nice.

Sara said...

great post!
loved this one.
amen on the susan boyle thing. i mean, yeah, it was a cool performance, but i'm tired of seeing it on EVERYONE's facebook and blog. haha.

Drew said...

paul potts was better