Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sometimes my friends...

...are the best!  Thank you to all of my lovelies who came to the show last night.  It was a GREAT success.  Such a success that some of you weren't able to get in because the show sold out.  I am SO sorry about that.  But never fear, there will be more shows and I do expect to see you there.  

Thanks again, nerd faces.


P.S. It's mother lovin' Mother's Day tomorrow so give your mom(s) a shout out.  I watched my sister give birth last week and uh, you better be giving your mother the recognition she deserves because bringing you into this world was no small task.  Trust me.  It ain't pretty.  

P.S.S. I'm going to see Star Trek tonight. Woot, woot.  I wanna see some Trekkie action.  Seriously, I want to see two  Trekkies fall in love at first sight.  


Cheese Tease said...

Jenna congrats on the show, Janae told us that it was a huge success. You are one funny lady...My word verification was chili, or was it Chili's in anticipation of the upcoming "celebration"

Merx said...

Jenna my old friend who never talks ot me anymore.....

you better have some good jokes about that JOKE of a movie Star Trek. It was not only miserable, it's misery went where no man has gone before.

The fight scenes were also way too realistic.