Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sometimes Bernie Madoff's secretary

...says ridiculous things.

I just read this on Huffington Post:

Bernie Madoff was a sexist, egomaniacal, short-tempered control freak—yet everybody loved him.

How does one become such a lovable a-hole? Do you think Bernie's secretary is afraid he has somebody working for him on the outside? Like she started saying bad things about him and panicked that maybe someday he would get out or send his hit man after her so she ended her statement with, "yet everybody loved him" just so she and her family might sleep peacefully each night?

I hope people say such nice things about me when I die or I'm sentenced to prison for 150 billion years.

That Jenna was a faux-blonde Sunchip addict, wannabe Spice Girl/anal retentive BSB stalker, nerdy blogger, loser girl(?)--yet everybody tolerated her.

(Oh my, I'm complicated. No wonder e-harmony rejected me. Oh yeah, add that to the list too.)

Watch your back, Secretary. He knows what you said, he's pissed and yet somehow it's irresistably charming. I'm blushing! No wonder he was able to steal so much money!


1 comment:

Cheese Tease said...

Come on, Jenna there are a lot of loveable A-holes out there...take me for instance