Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sometimes Clay Aiken...

...tried so hard to stay in the closet until the world made fun of him enough, he decided to come out.

Yes, Clay came out and said he was gay. For some that may be a shock. If you are one of those people "in shock," you are probably 65 and a HUGE fan of his. You probably still use the term "gay" meaning happy and you probably have friends with the first name of "Gay" or other various forms of it.

Regardless, irregardless, whatever, I'd just like to say that Clay shouldn't have come out and announced his sexual preference. Now that the mystery is gone, he is going to fall into non-celebrity oblivion. Let me explain: since he is officially gay, we can't really tease him about it anymore. So really, what's the point of talking about him?

Bad move, Clay. I've practically forgotten you already. Or maybe that's what he wants?


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