Monday, June 8, 2009

Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 6/8/09

OUCH! - Sonia Sotomayor fractured her ankle when she "tripped" in the La Guardia airport.  More like slipped on a banana peel, if you ask me.  I smell foul play.  Sounds like the Janitor "forgot" to put the yellow slippery when wet cone on the slippery wet floor.  VERY suspicious...

Baby Mama - Madonna is adopting a present for her new 23 year old boyfriend and it's not a puppy.  Courts in Malawi are allowing her to adopt another child.  Why?  Madonna beat the entire government in an arm wrestling championship.  

Takin' It Easy - Apparently, Vancouver is the easiest city to live in the world.  Followed by cities in Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, Switzerland, pretty much everywhere in the world except New York City, which was found no where on the list, giving me one more excuse to complain about my life.  Booyah.  

Love Lost - My best friend Miley broke up with her old yuckie boyfriend.  Although she's sad, she said to me earlier when we were g-face-twitter-chatter-blogging, "I'm like sad but whatever, you know?  We are just going to focus on our own stuff and like maybe we can talk and stuff.  It's not like we're going to stop following each other on twitter or something.  I mean, we're not in high school, well, I mean, I should be but like whatever.  My daddy teaches me everything I need to know anyway."  

I'm JK and it was quite a b-day.  I think a special thank you is in order!


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