Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sometimes an invasion of my privacy comes... the form of my ipod in your hands.

There is nothing more humiliating (alright, I could probably think of a few things) than having your ipod striped from your hands and placed in the hands of an evil non Backstreet Boy loving judgmental music Nazi or pretty much anyone else for that matter. It's like taking a baby from a mother, candy from a child, Sunchips from a 22 year old fake blond, high heels from Posh Spice, a meatball sub from J. Simpson, a spray tan from the Housewives of New Jersey. Looking through someone else's ipod playlists is like reading their diary, searching through their underwear drawer or walking in on them dancing in a pair of the underwear you already searched through while they're singing and dancing to the Pussycat Doll's version of the song Jai Ho only to record a clip of the personal and private performance on your camcorder cell phone so you can post it on facebook. And no, that didn't happen to me, though it does sound like something I might be a part of not to mention a great commercial for Hanes.

Here are a few things people might say when looking through an ipod that isn't their own (tisk tisk):

You have Paris Hilton and K-Fed's entire albums? I thought that was an elaborate joke.

Wait a minute, your top 5 songs alternate between Air Supply, Phil Collins and John Oates (minus Hall) . Lonely much?

-Cher? Really? Dude, that's so gay.
-Well, actually, I've been meaning to talk to you.

My family tried to host an intervention when they found out I'd been listening to an Uncle Kracker song. I swear, I'm not on meth.

I see that "She Bangs" is on your "purchased" playlist. You may as well have wiped your butt with the $1.00 you spent on that song.

It says here, you've listened to Clay Aiken's song, "Invisible," 327 times. Wow. Let's see, if that song is 4 minutes long, according to my calculations, not only have you spent more time listening to Clay Aiken than he's been out of the closet but you are...much weirder than I initially anticipated and when I say weird, I mean it in the creepiest sense of the word. "If I were invisible, then I would just watch you in your room..." Seriously? What is wrong with you!

Dashboard is lying to you: she doesn't love you and she'll never call you back.

Eddie Murphy tried to be a pop star in the 80's? Awkward.

You know that you can't really dance on the ceiling, right?

Why do you have playlist full of sappy love songs named after me?

I loved New Kids on the Block when I was 12 too. Oh wait, this is their new album. That's not lame at all. (Listen, I'm allowed to say that because I still listen to the Backstreet Boys at least once a day...)

My Heart Will Go On and on and on and on too.

You like jazz? What a loser!

Why are you embarrassed about listening to The Jonas Brothers. They are totally legit.

I, personally, have nothing to hide on my ipod. But I swear, if you even touch it, I will, I will...make you listen to every BSB song in my repertoire. I dated someone who listened to the Backstreet Boys once. Shame it didn't work out. I can't imagine why?



beesting said...

My worst date ever:

Me: lets listen to the best song of all time. (naturally, i put on Motownphilly by Boyz II Men)
Girl: what is this? (disgusted)
Me: are you serious!?! its Boyz II Men!
Girl: Who is that? Ive never heard of them.
Me: (feeling a migrane coming on and mentally mapping out the fastest route to her house.)

Cameron said...

Possibly your funniest post ever...nice work.

Cheese Tease said...

If going through someone's playlist is like going through their underwear drawer then technically I have gone through John's underwear drawer...shiver.