Monday, May 11, 2009

Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 5/11/09

New Joisey: The New Jersey Housewives kick off their first season of housewiving (i.e. tanning, shopping, tanning and defending their family name) on Bravo tomorrow night. Don't get too excited, there is only ONE knife fight in the first episode.

Confession: I am on steroids. I know, now that I've admitted it, it's totally obvious and you can't believe that we've been living in denial for this long.

Really?: Shirley Jones is considering posing for Playboy. Yes, Shirley Jones, the mom from The Partridge Family, who is now 75 years old, is considering posing for Playboy. I did not make that up. I repeat, that is NOT a fake rumor. I know that Hugh is getting a little (a lot) older but I had no idea his taste aged with him. Dry

Plastic Surgery Alert: Bruce Jenner is getting another face lift because he wants to look more like Michael Jackson.

I'm JK. Don't mess with me or I'll have Keifer Sutherland headbutt you.


1 comment:

Erin Starks-Teeter said...

We can all breathe a sigh of relief. According to Access Hollywood Shirley Jones, mother of the Partridge Family, Laurie from Oklahoma, Marian the Librarian from the Music Man, will not be posing for Playboy. Social conservatives everywhere can rest easy. This woman has performed at several important Republican functions. How would it look?