Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sometimes I like to complain... buckle up, here I go!

If you don't live in NYC, you don't know that all of the fast food and take out restaurants here have their calorie count right there on the menu, staring you in the face.  I know how many calories are in everything at McDonald's, Wendy's, Chipotle, Hale & Hearty, etc.  I can't avoid knowing because right next to the price is a number sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always there telling me what kind of consequence eating that food item will have on my hips.  I wish that the calorie count would stop me from eating certain foods.  At first, it did.  New York City's plan to skinnify all of us played it's tricky mind games on me.  I couldn't eat out at the only restaurants I could afford.  Everywhere I went, I was haunted by calories.  Then, after a while, I got over it.  So now, I just eat whatever I want as usual but instead of unknowingly enjoying the food I'm eating, I have to rationalize every bite I take.  

At least I drink diet soda.
Hey, she's eating it.
I totally walked here.  
I won't eat later, I swear.
I dried my jeans today and I didn't have to do a dance to squeeze into them, no one deserves this more than me!
Guys like curves, right?

What else do I want to complain about?  Why not keep it food related, shall we?  Why do people always try to convince me that salmon isn't fishy?  Salmon is a fish.  Fish is fishy by name.  How do you describe the taste of salt?  Salty.  How do you describe the taste of fish?  Fishy.  What is salmon again?  Oh yeah, a fish. Put lemon on it?  Still fishy.  Mr. Yoshida can't save it from what it is: fishy!  Fine, maybe you like fishy, sometimes, when you can't taste it.  But why do I have to pretend it isn't fishy?  There are all kinds of things, like fish, that people pretend to like.  We all do it.  For example, crocs, jazz music, old people, guys who play their guitar for you on a first date, single men over 50, Keanu Reeves in anything but the Matrix.  The list goes on and on.  Why do we pretend to like things we don't care for?  Because we're kind of  stupid, but in like a totally like good way, for sure.  This kind of reminds me of people who say they hate The Hills but watch is EVERY week like it's their new personal religion.  If you hate it, don't watch it.  Word.  

Ok, I'm finished.  And kinda hungry.  Au revoir, lovers.  Back to vacation!



Scrumpestuous D said...
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Scrumpestuous D said...

Um, Keanu Reeves in Bill and Ted? Clearly the zenith of his career.

Or perhaps this.

Jenna Kim Jones said...

Alright, I'll give you Bill and Ted.

But corn flakes? How fitting! The most boring cereal for the most boring actor in the world!

Cheese Tease said...

If you think Bill and Ted is the zenith, you have obviously not seen Point Break! Reeves, Swayze, Busey, Dr. Cox (re-he-ally?!). If you want to see Reeves at his "best", Point Break is a must!

Scrumpestuous D said...

Seen it, and while it's so amazingly bad that it's almost good, I stand by my assesment.

Arielle said...

Bill & Ted wins this argument for sure, but I also have to point out that Speed is freakin' awesome.

Anonymous said...

So, you hate fish too? How refreshing.