Monday, February 9, 2009

Sometimes there isn't enough time...

...for blogging. This weekend flew by and I missed two days of blogging. Deal. I attempted to write last night but I had a pounding headache due to caffeine withdrawal which made it nearly impossible to function. Apparently I'm an addict, dang it. I'm such a disappointment. Curse you, Diet Coke. Sometimes I hate you! (I don't mean it! I could never hate you. You're my only true friend. I'm sorry...)

So anyway, my topic today: aerial wolf hunting. Ashley Judd has been after Sarah Palin and one of her favorite pasttimes. Come on, Ashley! How else are you supposed to hunt wolves? What do you expect Sarah Palin to do? Put on her wolf costume and jump a wolf with her own two paws? Call up Kevin Costner and go dancing?

Are you telling me, Ashley Judd, that you aren't supposed to kill wolves? Because I heard from this homeless, legless, wandering eyed fortune teller on the subway that if we don't kill wolves aerially they will over populate the world eventually overtaking humans. I totally believe it because I saw Planet of the Apes. I don't know where those ape actors came from but they were incredible. After seeing them, I went to the zoo and couldn't look any of the apes in the eyes. Sarah Palin must have heard the same rumor. Although, wait a minute, she doesn't believe in evolution. So that means she kills wolves because she's a blood thirsty baby making Alaskan Governor!  (cue dramatic music)

I don't really understand the feud between AShley Judd and Sarah Palin. Why? Because I don't know why people would hunt wolves and I don't know why people who live far far away from wolf killing care about wolves being killed far far away. I guess I'm heartless. Either way, I've been terrified of wolves since Red Riding Hood was nearly eaten at her Grandmother's house.

I do know one thing: I want Governor Palin to go away. I don't want to hear about her anymore. So Ashley Judd, that means you need to relax and stop making websites called And Sarah, lay off the aerial wolf hunting. It's creepy. And rather unlady like.


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