Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometimes facebook thinks...

...he's so original. Well guess what, facebook? You so aren't! Yeah! So there! (I just decided facebook was male. I don't know how I feel about that.)

Facebookers are going crazy over "notes" these days. I've mentioned them before in my "25 things about me if I were Michael Phelps" post but since then, it's only grown more and more out of control. Don't people realize, these so called "notes" are just irritating chain mail or forwarded e-mails from the late 90's and early 00's? We've heard all of these stupid ideas and answers before! But instead of e-mailing them to each other, we post these messages on our facebook profiles for everyone to see and waste their time reading. So here I am wasting your time further by doing a little note of my own (Yep, I'm a sellout...sort of...keep reading) based on something I saw on facebook this morning but instead of using my facebook friends, I'm going to use 10 of the people I mentioned in my previous post. The questions on this blog came straight from facebook. Oh yeah...

1. Chris Brown
2. Michael Phelps
3. Chris Matthews
4. Rick Sanchez
5. Hugh Jackman
6. Beyonce
7. Tyler Perry
8. Jessica Simpson
9. Simon Cowell
10. Paula Abdul

Have you ever kissed #7?
Has any female ever kissed Tyler Perry?

What is the best memory you have of #9?

When is the next time you're going to see #4?
3 PM on CNN. He follows me on Twitter. He makes me sick.

Is #8 pretty?
She would be if she wasn't so fat.

What was your first impression of #10?
She may seem really nice on Idol...

...but she will cut you. (Would someone please let her go to the bathroom?)

How did you meet #3?
Well he won't remember me but it went something like this:

Jenna: Hi Chris Matthews, meet my fist.
(Jenna punches Chris Matthews)

*I don't "hate" Chris Matthews but the sound of his voice makes me very tense.
Why must he yell ALL THE TIME?

Have you ever been inside #1's house?
Yes but I made sure I wore a helmet.

Have you ever been in trouble with #2?
Who do you think took this picture?

Did you ever accidentally physically hurt #5?
Well we were in a kick line once and things got a little crazy. He was sure he could kick higher and faster but he had no idea who he was up against. I'm sure you can imagine what happened next...

Have you ever danced with #6?
I have not. But you know how I feel about her dancing. There is no way, I could keep with up with her frantic nature. She'd hip check me off stage. Oh and I'd want to wear pants which would never fly with Ms. Sasha Fierce.

Well that was fun. Happy that I wasted your time, nerds? Good. Happy to help.


P.S. I apologize for the excessive pictures of shirtless men. Two is too many, you're right.


Silvia said...

This was great. I especially liked #3, as I once had an encounter with this man. I'm sorry to report that no fists went a flyin', but the decibels of his "indoor" voice should have warranted a punch, or at the very least a slap. Maybe next time, Jenna.

Silvia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Silvia said...

Sorry. I went comment crazy for a second. Or maybe I was trying to link you to a picture...
Anyway, click on my name and scroll down to Jan 2.

Ashley, Clay, Eva, Beck, and Cash said...

You have me laughing out loud!