Thursday, February 7, 2008

I learned something today...

I had a date with myself at Chipotle today.

Anyway, my mom sent this e-mail full of information I didn't know about rats. Here's what it said:

2008: The Year of the Rat

Facts of some interest:

There is a wide variety in size and habitat in the rat family, from small forest dwellers to the 18 inch African field rat.

The most common problem species are the Norway rat, a skilled swimmer, and the climbing Common rat.

A rat’s intelligence and ability to adapt make rats persistent pests, good pets, and useful laboratory animals

Why rats come first on the Chinese zodiac calendar:

High above China long ago, the Sky Emperor invited 12 animals from the world below to his lofty abode. “There are 12 years in our calendar cycle.” He declared, “And I wish to name one year after each of you.”

“And which one of us should come first, my King?” said Rat. “I am smart and can live anywhere; it should be me.” “Why?” said Ox, “I am mighty and strong.”

The emperor decided to let the children of Earth choose. At first, the boys and girls delighted to ride on gentle Ox’s back, and ignored Rat because she was so small. But Rat begged the Emperor to make her as big as Ox for a day, where upon the children jumped up and down in excitement to see such a wondrous sight, and forgot all about Ox.

“You are the winner, Rat,” said the Emperor. “You shall come first.”

Obviously, a Chinese folktale…

Children born in the year of the Rat are clever, ambitious, hard working, and have long, pointy noses.

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