Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sometimes America...

...gets it all wrong.

Have any of you stopped to wonder why American Airlines has the smallest airplane seats ever? Uh, we're American. I don't know if you know this but we sell cheese stuffed bread bowls with pasta and cheese baked on top. Yes, we do. We call is a well rounded dinner and we try to blame it on/give credit to Italians.

What I'm saying is, we're not exactly dainty. (For more nasty food, check this out.)

We're all in denial. Just because the tag on your jeans says size 4, doesn't mean you should pour yourself into them. It's uncomfortable for everyone. I'm thinking of ALL of us.

Dear Americans,

You are "bigger boned" than most other nationalities so would someone please write a letter to American Airlines and let them know they need to let their seats out and adjust accordingly to our "growing" population already! And yes, you look a little chubby in that tube top.


1 comment:

Martin Merx said...

I'm on of the few Americans who is over 6 feet tall. It's not the width of my seat i'm concerned about while flying - it's the leg room!

I can't diet to get shorter. All i can do is hope for an accident.