Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I recently realized, thanks to a long lost friend of mine, that I have a thing for lists. Here is a list of thoughts I made based on a list found in the book "The Mezzanine" by Nicholson Baker. (The book is awesome. People should read it.)

Subject of my thought (number of times this thought occurs during the year):

Carbonation: the need for the burn. (507)
How do you salt peanuts when they're still in the shell? (350)
Childbirth, my intense fear of. (300)
When my nose itches, is someone really thinking of me? (200)
OCD—am I? (180)
Death by roller coaster. (100)
Death by cab driver. (99)
Bob Saget. (96)
Rump Roast--really? (75)
FACT: brownie batter tastes better than baked brownies. (70)

P.S. Expect more lists in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have thought of the peanut thing. I don't know how they do that black magic, but I am greatful as they are mighty tasty.