Monday, January 11, 2010

Jenna Kim's Fake Rumors 1/11/10

I know what you're thinking...Jenna's new website totally blows. Well, this isn't the new website, so settle down. You all missed me soooooo much I couldn't take it anymore. The late night e-mails, the drunk dialing, the sappy tweets can all come to an end. I'm blogging, ok? I'm doing this for you.

Resolving in the New Year: First of all, Happy New Year. Did you set your resolutions? Here's the secret. Set your sights low. Like for example, this year, my resolution is to date and dump Nick Carter. He's the only single BSB left. No really! AJ (the edgie one) is officially engaged and the rest are like 45 and married with 6 kids. I'm pretty excited about dating Nick. He seems less excited as he has yet to reply to ONE of my tweets. RUDE!

Speaking of Engaged:
is still dating

(No, that's not a picture of Katy Perry when she wakes up in the morning...)

They're enGAGed. (OMG, that was SO "Perez" of me.) Rumor is, she might be pregnant? Those two are so hairy, boy or girl, that baby will be born with a mustache and fuzzy shoulders. It will be the youngest person ever to have their eyebrows waxed.

Engagement Addict: Amy Winehouse is engaged to her EX-husband. And because she is known for making good decisions, this can only end well for her. I think I've figured her out. Amy has an addictive personality and she's now replaced her drug and alcohol addictions with marriage and divorce! She'll just marry and divorce her ex-husband over and over again. Although it was kind of adorable that when she was an alcoholic with the last name WINEhouse, that phase is over and now she gets a high from "I Do."

Do something great this year. Get engaged, write a novel, follow me on twitter. <--Oh what a good idea!


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