Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sometimes picking a Halloween Costume...

...can be very stressful.

This Halloween some of the popular costumes include:

1. Sarah Palin dressed in WalMart's clothing line
2. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin as Tina Fey
3. John McCain before he died
4. Joe the slutty plumber
5. A delinquent mortgage

Here are my options for Halloween Costume this year:

1. A lesbian or Zac Efron
2. A "healthier" version of Cindy McCain
3. Rachael Ray (But not because I look like her...)
4. Two Face: Half Obama Mama, half McCainiac
5. Uh, Apple

What or who are you going to be? Don't tell me. I don't care THAT much unless you are 5 years old or younger.

Best thing about Halloween? Candy, duh. Worst thing about Halloween? Everything else.



Rustino Scar said...

while i'm a little older than 5, i act about that age and i often get mistaken for being more than five years younger than I actually am...
have you ever heard of a "never nude"?

Jenna Kim Jones said...

good luck getting into the stake dance in your denim shorts.

Cheese Tease said...

I love that being a lesbian or Zac E. are on the same level for you.

Anonymous said...

Is number five referring to Dennis The Menace? If so, awesome.