Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This is a special month...

...full of special days. Did you know that April was so eventful? I didn't.

April 2nd: Hans Christian Andersen's Birthday... (My mom is probably the only person that would appreciate that day.)

April 3rd: Find a Rainbow Day. This day is especially easy for those who live in San Francisco or Chelsea in NYC.

April 5th: National Read a Road Map Day. Who invented this day? And why? And shouldn't it be abolished? GPS...hello???

April 8th: Ponce De Leon Discovered Florida Day. Had he actually discovered the fountain of youth, he'd be 548 years old and probably look something like Bruce Jenner.

April 14th: Iceberg ahead, yadayada, a big boat sinks a few hours later. Then a few years later, annoying teenage girls go and see the movie about that blasted boat and that fake romance and cry and cry and cry.

April 15th: Tax Day. BORING. First McDonald's opened in 1955. EXCITING! Then it turned our country into the McFatties we knew we could be.

April 16th: National Eggs Benedict Day. Yes, of course. We need a day to celebrate poached eggs. Yes. (In my mind, I'm saying this with the most pretentious voice I can think of. Imagine someone named Larry or Denton, who pretends to be from Europe but is actually from Detroit, enjoying a delicious plate of eggs benedict.)

April 19th: Humorous Day. On this day, everything is just humorous. Not funny enough for a laugh, not dumb enough for a chuckle, just humorous enough for you to politely smile and perhaps gently applaud.

April 24th: Pigs-in-a-blanket Day: To celebrate, not only should you eat hot dogs wrapped in pastry but you should also wrap yourself in a blanket and roll around the floor snorting. Would someone please do that, video tape it, post it on youtube and send me the link?

April 26th: Hug a Friend Day: Feel free to hug but please don't hug people who aren't your friends.

April 29th: Zipper Day. On Zipper Day, zippers are optional.

April 30th: National Honesty Day. My favorite day of the year. I don't have to control myself at all. If I don't tell the truth, it's like I'm breaking a law. It's like I'm being unpatriotic. And no, I'm a law abiding, America loving girl. I will tell the truth even if you can't handle it.


Nayr Nilbmah said...
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Nayr Nilbmah said...

You must have the most entertaining calander this side of "The Far Side".

Liliya said...

Happy Ponce De Leon Discovered Florida Day!!!!

Rustino Scar said...

pigs in a blanket day? why, if only I had a camera, this McFatty would totally do it. hilarious. thanks for the laughs, and for always wanting to punch people in the face.

Jam Rob said...

its a party every day in jennas life. and in her mouth