Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are YOU serious?

I've been staying up entirely too late these days. For those of you who know me well that isn't surprising. Every day I tell myself that tonight will be different and then midnight roles around and I still HAVE to do my laundry right then. At least that was the case last night. As for other nights, it's amazing how I can find ways to stay up.

Recent late night escapades:
1. talking on the phone with long lost friends
2. reading books that aren't assigned by my professors
3. watching TV shows about vampires that no one else will watch with me
4. stalking old and new acquaintances on facebook
5. reading other blogs (newest blog I found: www.provobuddyblog.blogspot.com)
6. grazing through the kitchen
7. laundering...clothes
8. note taking
9. list making
10. myspace investigating

Last Friday morning, my lack of sleep caught up with me. I woke up and for a second thought I was paralyzed. So I fell back asleep and skipped my tennis lesson. I woke up two hours later at 10:50. Normally, I would have panicked as I have class at 11:00 but I calmly threw myself together. I showed up to class sometime between 11:35 and 11:45 to find that my professor had lost his voice and it appeared that one of my classmates was designated as the discussion leader. She was rambling on and on about who knows what and I took the only seat open which was right next to her. She didn't seem to notice me as she was very involved in the discussion of some character's essence and the setting's aesthetic appeal and blah blah blah. I quietly pulled my books out of my bag and found the pen I had slipped into my messy pony tail on my way out the door. Before I could even write the date in my notebook, she, the current leader or perhaps self proclaimed leader and definite know it all, turned to me and said, "How do YOU feel about this, JENNA? Do you have anything you'd like to say?"

Shocked, I looked her right in the eyes and said rather coarsely, "Are you serious?"

The room was silent. I'm not sure anyone was breathing. She stared right back at me and for about 10 seconds neither one of us spoke. Finally, she broke the silence and mumbled something about how I looked like I might have something to add since I was sitting right next to her; it really made no sense and it doesn't particularly matter because the girl on the other side of me cut her off. In my defense she said something like, "I am taking a speech class right now and the way you asked that question to Jenna was exactly the way we learned not to when leading a discussion."

After that statement, there were a few more seconds of awkward silence. Then we moved on.

Later, during a class break (this is a 3 hour class), several of my peers congratulated me on my bold response. I can't take credit because I wasn't being bold or witty or anything out of the ordinary. My question in response to her question was a natural reaction.

So going totally against my current personal statement "don't force it," I will now try to give this pointless post a point:

A. Maybe I should go to sleep earlier in order to avoid awkward classroom situations. B. Maybe I should sleep more in order to tell more interesting stories on my blog.

If anyone has any ideas on how to force me to sleep besides drugs or throwing my computer out the window, please feel free to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.